Aren't we going a little maniac with the 80's? I mean, good music was written the other day, and in 30 years of radio I listened and discovered good music everywhere - from the desert at Tinariwen to the Romanian market at Alifantis.. But in the end, you know how it is - it's not beautiful that's beautiful, it's beautiful that I like - and if I look at the CDs in the car and the stories from my heart, really, the 80s have remained in a special way in me. Maybe because then I became a little man on his feet, a post factum hippie who in the 80s discovered everything he had actually missed in the 70s and prepared himself for what the 90s would bring. And yes, I think I'm not wrong if I say that in the 80s I started to discover music - the one with capital letters and claims from history. And the way I discovered it made, at that time, all the money!
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