Rádio PARÁ FM is in a privileged geographical position, located in Santa Maria, covering several municipalities in the northeast of Pará. With a powerful transmitter and a 50-metre high tower, bringing joy, information and entertainment to an important region. With a strong signal and quality programming, Rádio PARÁ FM is already a Real Success! The station has excellent programming and its coverage covers more than 30 municipalities in Pará: Castanhal, Capanema, Capitão Poço, Irituia, Igarapé-Açu, São Miguel do Guamá, Mãe do Rio, Santarém Novo, Nova Timboteua, São Francisco do Pará, Bonito, São Domingos do Capim, São Francisco do Pará, Primavera, Benevides, Magalhães Barata, Maracanã, Terra Alta, Ourém, Santa Izabel do Pará in addition to its ONLINE transmission, 24 hours a day.
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