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  1. Countries
  2. Indonesia
  3. Aceh province
  4. Banda Aceh

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Nikoya FM

Radio NIKOYA was founded on February 1, 1986, in the province of Aceh, which was the first to broadcast on the AM 1206 Khz line, located in downtown Banda Aceh, which is increasingly on the air with the motto "Banda Aceh Real Radio". To be exact, on January 15, 1995, NIKOYA Radio advanced into the era of Digital FM technology on the 106.15 Mhz line and based on the Decree of the Director General of Post and Telecommunications Concerning Provisions for the Implementation of Radio Frequency Channel Switching for the Implementation of FM Broadcast Radio (Frequency Modulation), a frequency shift of 106.15 occurred. FM to 106 FM.

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