Croatian Radio's informative show, consisting of news, reports, treatment of current topics and direct reports from reporters about the main events of the day. The first program of Croatian Radio (HR 1), the longest-running radio network with a national frequency. Following almost a century of programming and technological development of European broadcasting, HR tried to justify its basic function: to inform, educate and entertain listeners as quickly, accurately and completely as possible. Today, in its 24-hour daily broadcasting (on a weekly basis, 168 news shows, close to 100 original shows with a large number of interlocutors from the Croatian public scene and direct participation of the listeners, and more than 70 music shows of all genres and types), it tries to convey to the listeners the entire political, economic , the cultural and sports life of Croatia, and to be up to date with the most important events in Europe and the world. The broadcasts for the 1st program are prepared and prepared for broadcasting by the production departments of HRT.
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