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  1. Countries
  2. Nepal
  3. Bagmati Province
  4. Kathmandu
Gunjan FM

Gunjan FM

Chandranigahpur, located in the arms of the Chure range with the arrows of the holy river Bagmati and the beautiful natural shade, has been continuously advancing on the path of freedom and development since ancient times and is striving to be established as the pride of Rautahat district. Chandranigahpur, which is eager to maintain its national identity through the most important subjects of human life such as language, literature, and art culture, has been receiving the leading contribution of its enthusiastic youth in every dimension of time and we can be confident that this order will remain the same in the future. Gunjan FM 105.3 MHz, established with the aim of becoming a supporter of the emerging power through information, music and entertainment, and the recognition that the role of local people is paramount to continue the pace of development by identifying local skills, means and resources, is an effort to transform society through the creativity of the enthusiastic and aware youth here. Be familiar. - See more at: http://www.gunjanfm.com/aboutus.php#sthash.D4CfVS1N.dpuf.

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