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  1. Countries
  2. France
  3. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes province
  4. Ambérieu-en-Bugey

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FC Radio l'Essentiel

General radio of proximity and conviviality, FC RADIO L'ESSENTIEL carries the life of the Pays d'Ain.. It was the first title to be broadcast on FC Radio l'Essentiel on the evening of Sunday, October 18, 1981. A local broadcasting station, designed from the outset so that "each of us can listen to live ". The evolution of legislation and techniques has meant that the Côtière de la Dombes radio station has become an extra-departmental entity, with particular attention paid to the location of its transmitters, the network of which makes it the Ain radio station. more than a city radio station. The concept of local radio of proximity and conviviality is more present than ever in the spirit of the living forces of the station: political, economic, social, legal, cultural, sporting, leisure and conviviality.

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