The programs on Radio CITRA Atlas are designed to explore various aspects of life without being convoluted, simple but still strong and solid so as not to leave one of the radio's functions as a medium that is entertaining, informative and stays close to its listeners. Radio CITRA Atlas helps answer all the audience's curiosity about everything, so just by tuning in on Radio CITRA Atlas, listeners will get a variety of information, entertainment, as well as friends in their daily activities. For product promotion needs, CITRA Atlas Radio offers a better choice, because programs designed according to client needs can be modified, so that CITRA Atlas Radio as a promotional medium can become a bridge between clients and audience. Inserts, and various Sponsored Radio Programs can be made according to your wishes. Radio Citra Atlas makes music a complement to existing information. The concept offered to our listeners is dangdut and campursari music/songs as well as other ethnicities that have been and are popular with the following song compositions: Dangdut: 50% Campursari: 30% Traditional/Other Ethnic: 20% Broadcast Time: 05.00 - 24.00 WIB
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