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Radio stations in Zhejiang province, China

Zhejiang Province is located in the eastern part of China and is known for its beautiful mountains, rivers, and lakes. It has a population of over 57 million people and is home to some of the country's most vibrant cities, including Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Wenzhou.

Zhejiang Province has several popular radio stations that cater to a wide range of audiences. Some of the most popular stations include:

- Zhejiang People's Radio Station: This station broadcasts news, current affairs, and music programs in Mandarin, as well as in local dialects.
- FM101.7 Hangzhou: This station plays a mix of Chinese and Western music and features talk shows on various topics.
- FM103.8 Ningbo: This station broadcasts news, talk shows, and music programs in Mandarin.

Zhejiang Province has a variety of popular radio programs that cover different topics, including news, current affairs, music, and entertainment. Some of the most popular programs include:

- Zhejiang News: This program is broadcast by Zhejiang People's Radio Station and covers the latest news and current affairs from the province.
- Music Time: This program is aired on FM101.7 Hangzhou and features a mix of Chinese and Western music.
- Happy Life: This program is broadcast on FM103.8 Ningbo and covers a range of topics, including health, lifestyle, and entertainment.

Overall, Zhejiang Province has a vibrant radio culture with several popular radio stations and programs that cater to diverse audiences.