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  2. U.S. Virgin Islands
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  4. hip hop

Hip hop music on the radio in U.S. Virgin Islands

Hip hop has become a popular music genre in the U.S. Virgin Islands in recent years. The island's vibrant music scene has produced some notable hip hop artists that have gained popularity throughout the Caribbean and beyond. One of the most popular hip hop artists from the U.S. Virgin Islands is Pressure, whose music blends reggae and hip hop, with socially conscious lyrics that reflect the island's social and political issues. Other popular artists include Verse Simmonds, who was born and raised on Saint Thomas, and has collaborated with major artists such as Kanye West and Jay-Z. Hip hop radio stations are also gaining popularity on the island. One example is 105 Jamz, which has been a major player in promoting local hip hop artists and providing a platform for local talent to showcase their work. The station plays a mix of classic and contemporary hip hop, as well as local music. Another station, 102.7 WEVI, also includes hip hop in its programming. The station caters to a younger audience and plays a mix of popular hip hop songs, including those from local artists. Overall, the hip hop genre is thriving in the U.S. Virgin Islands, with local artists gaining wider recognition and radio stations providing necessary exposure for their music. The blend of Caribbean rhythms with hip hop beats has created a unique sound that embodies the island's rich culture and musical heritage.