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  4. jazz

Jazz music on the radio in Ukraine

Jazz music in Ukraine has a rich history and is highly appreciated by music enthusiasts in the country. The genre has been growing over the years, attracting fans and artists from different parts of the world. Some of the most popular jazz artists in Ukraine include the likes of Oleg Kireyev, Sergei Manukyan, Nazar Dzhuryn, and Denis Adu. These artists are known for their unique style, which reflects the diverse cultural background of Ukraine. There are also several radio stations in Ukraine that play jazz music. One of the most popular stations is FM Jazz, which features a wide range of jazz styles, including swing, bebop, and fusion. Other notable stations include Radio Kultura and Jazz FM. Overall, jazz music in Ukraine is thriving, with a growing number of fans and artists embracing the genre. Whether it's traditional jazz or modern jazz fusion, there is something for everyone, making it an important part of the country's music landscape.