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  2. Ukraine
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  4. folk

Folk music on the radio in Ukraine

Folk genre music in Ukraine has a rich history and is deeply rooted in the country's culture. Traditional Ukrainian folk music is known for its use of various instruments such as the bandura, kobza, and tsymbaly. One of the most popular artists in the folk genre is DakhaBrakha. This band formed in Kyiv in 2004 and is known for their unique blend of Ukrainian folk with jazz, punk, and world music. Their performances often incorporate traditional Ukrainian costumes and rituals, making them a favorite among both locals and tourists. Another popular artist is ONUKA, a band that brings a modern twist to traditional Ukrainian folk music. Formed in Lviv in 2013, ONUKA incorporates electronic beats and instruments into their performances, creating a unique and dynamic sound. There are also several radio stations in Ukraine that play folk music. One of the most popular is Radio Skovoroda, which is dedicated entirely to Ukrainian folk music. They feature both traditional and modern artists and also play authentic recordings of traditional folk music. Radio Roks Ukraine also features a weekly program called "Mamai", which is dedicated to Ukrainian folk music. The show is hosted by Andriy Danilko, better known as Verka Serduchka, a popular Ukrainian comedian and musician. Overall, the folk genre music in Ukraine is a vibrant and important part of the country's culture. Its popularity continues to grow both domestically and internationally as artists bring new and innovative sounds to a traditional style.