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  2. Slovakia
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  4. jazz

Jazz music on the radio in Slovakia

Jazz music in Slovakia has been thriving for many years and the genre has a dedicated following. Jazz music has a rich history in Slovakia and its roots can be traced back to the 1920s, when the country first came into contact with American jazz. Over the years, the genre has evolved in Slovakia and has resulted in a unique jazz scene with its own distinct identity. Some of the most popular jazz artists in Slovakia include renowned pianist and composer Peter Breiner, the jazz fusion band Jazz Q, and Peter Lipa, who is widely regarded as the father of Slovak jazz. Slovakia has several radio stations that play jazz music. One of the most well-known is Radio FM, which has a dedicated jazz program called "Jazzove Oko" or "Jazz Eye". Other popular jazz radio stations in Slovakia include Jazzy Radio and Radio Tatras International. Additionally, there are several jazz festivals that take place in the country throughout the year, including the Bratislava Jazz Days, JazzFestBrno, and the Nitra Jazz Festival, which attracts top jazz artists from around the world. Overall, the jazz scene in Slovakia is vibrant and continues to grow, with a wide range of talented musicians and dedicated fans who appreciate the unique sounds of this timeless genre.