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  4. classical

Classical music on the radio in Russia

Classical music has a rich history in Russia, with some of the world's greatest composers coming from there. Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, and Shostakovich are just a few examples of the influential classical composers who hail from Russia. Their timeless pieces continue to be performed and celebrated by the public and musicians alike. The classical music genre has a strong following in Russia, with numerous radio stations dedicated to playing it. One popular radio station is Radio Orpheus, which is known for playing the best of Russian and international classical music. It also broadcasts live classical music events, such as operas and concerts. Another popular radio station, Classic Radio, plays classical music around the clock. It features a broad range of styles, from baroque to contemporary classical music. This station also focuses on highlighting Russian classical music with regular Russian composers' profiles and dedicated programs. In terms of popular classical artists in Russia, Valery Gergiev is one of the most well-known conductors globally. He is the artistic and general director of the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg and frequently conducts the world's leading orchestras. Another celebrated classical musician in Russia is pianist Denis Matsuev, who has won numerous awards for his impeccable technique and passionate interpretation of classical pieces. He often performs in international festivals and concerts, collaborating with top orchestras and musicians worldwide. The classical genre music in Russia is a cultural treasure that has been preserved and celebrated throughout the years. With the continued dedication of classical radio stations and classical artists like Gergiev and Matsuev, Russia's rich classical music tradition seems set to endure for generations to come.