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  2. Poland
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  4. opera

Opera music on the radio in Poland

The opera genre of music in Poland has a rich history dating back to the 17th century. One of the most notable operas in Polish history is Stanislaw Moniuszko's "Straszny Dwor," which was first performed in 1865 and is still performed today. Poland has produced many celebrated opera singers, including Ewa Podles, Mariusz Kwiecien, and Aleksandra Kurzak. Podles is a contralto known for her powerful voice and commanding stage presence, while Kwiecien is a baritone who has performed at some of the world's most prestigious opera houses. Kurzak is a soprano who has been praised for her delicate yet forceful voice. In Poland, there are several radio stations that play opera music, including Polskie Radio 2, which features classical music and opera throughout the day. Radio Chopin is another popular station that features Polish classical music, including opera, as well as works by Frederic Chopin. Additionally, many opera companies in Poland have been producing acclaimed performances in recent years. The Warsaw Opera, for example, is known for its innovative productions and has won several awards for its work. Overall, opera remains a beloved genre in Poland, with a dedicated following of fans and accomplished artists contributing to its continued prominence in the country's music scene.