Alternative music in Peru has been making a mark over the years due to several talented musicians who have come out to showcase their creativity and inventiveness. The genre covers a wide range of music styles, including indie, post-punk, new wave, and shoegaze, among others. One of the most famous alternative rock bands in Peru is La Mente, who have been active in the music scene since the 1990s. Their unique sound, which blends rock, punk, and ska, has gained them a loyal following over the years. Other popular acts in the genre include Dengue Dengue Dengue, Kanaku y el Tigre, and Los Outsaiders. Radio stations are a significant platform through which alternative musicians in Peru get exposure. Radio Planeta is one of the leading stations playing alternative music. They have a popular program, Planeta K, that curates new and upcoming artists and features exclusive interviews with artists in the genre. Other stations playing alternative music include Radio Oasis, Radio Bacán, and Radio Doble Nueve. In conclusion, the alternative music scene in Peru is thriving, with several talented artists and radio stations promoting the genre. With the support of the media and the growing popularity of this music, the future looks bright for alternative music in Peru.