Jazz music has a rich history in Pakistan with several talented musicians known for their unique style and contribution to the genre. The roots of jazz in Pakistan can be traced back to the 1940s when prominent musicians like Sohail Rana and Amjad Bobby began incorporating elements of jazz music into their compositions. One of the most notable Pakistani jazz artists is Naseeruddin Sami, a pianist, and composer who has earned international recognition for his work. His jazz compositions incorporate traditional Pakistani music and Western classical music, creating a unique blend that captivates listeners. Another prominent jazz artist in Pakistan is Akhtar Chanal Zahri, who gained fame through his use of an indigenous instrument called the Soroz. Zahri's fusion of jazz and traditional Baloch music has also earned him a global following. Radio Pakistan has played an essential role in promoting jazz music in Pakistan. The radio station frequently features jazz artists and programs, including the popular show “Jazz Naama” that showcases the latest jazz releases from Pakistani and international artists. Jazz music has also found a home on FM 91, a private radio station that dedicates a portion of its airtime to jazz music. In conclusion, jazz music has a significant presence in Pakistan, with several talented artists pushing the boundaries of the genre. The Pakistani jazz scene continues to evolve, with more young musicians experimenting with jazz and incorporating it into their work. The genre's popularity is expected to continue growing, thanks to an increasing number of radio stations dedicated to promoting and showcasing jazz music.