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Classical music on the radio in Mexico

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Classical music is a significant genre in Mexico, and it has been around for a long time. It is a fusion of various styles, including the European classical traditions and the indigenous music of Mexico. There are many brilliant classical artists in Mexico, and their works are highly regarded worldwide. One of the most popular classical composers in Mexico is Carlos Chavez. His music was highly influenced by the Mexican folk music, and he is considered one of the most prominent figures in contemporary music. Another popular composer is Julián Carrillo, who invented the "sonido trece," a unique tuning system that is still taught in Mexican music schools. Mexico has a few radio stations that play classical music 24/7. One of the most popular ones is "Opus 94.5 FM," which streams classical music continuously. Their shows include live concerts, interviews with classical musicians, and news about classical music events in Mexico. Another renowned classical radio station in Mexico is "Radio Educación," which plays a wide range of classical music from all over the world. This station works in partnership with several public universities in Mexico and broadcasts several educative shows. Lastly, "Radio UNAM" is another radio station popular for playing classical music in Mexico. It is owned by the National Autonomous University of Mexico and broadcasts not only classical music programs but also live shows covering other genres like jazz and rock. In conclusion, the classical genre music in Mexico is highly treasured by the Mexican people, and it is deeply rooted in their cultural heritage. The most popular classical composers in Mexico include Carlos Chavez and Julián Carrillo, and the genre continues to thrive through the legacies of these legends. Radio stations like "Opus 94.5 FM," "Radio Educación," and "Radio UNAM" are keeping the genre alive by playing classical music for the masses.

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