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  4. classical

Classical music on the radio in Iran

Classical music has a long and rich history in Iran, dating back to the ancient Empire of Persia. Iranian classical music, also known as "Persian classical music," is characterized by a complex and subtle system of melodies, rhythms, and scales. One of the most famous Persian classical musicians is Hossein Alizadeh, who is considered a master of the tar instrument. The tar is a long-necked, waisted instrument with six strings, similar to a lute. Alizadeh's music is characterized by its haunting and sensual melodies, as well as its intricate and complex rhythms. Another popular artist in the Persian classical genre is Mohammad Reza Shajarian, who is widely considered the greatest singer in Iranian history. Shajarian's music features intricate melodies and rhythms, and his voice is renowned for its emotional expressiveness. In Iran, classical music is widely played on the radio, with several stations devoted exclusively to the genre. One of the most popular classical music stations in Iran is Radio Javan, which features a wide range of classical music, including both traditional and modern pieces. Other well-known classical music stations in Iran include Radio Mahoor and Radio Farda. Despite the popularity of Persian classical music, it has faced some difficulties in recent years, with some government officials expressing disapproval or skepticism toward the genre. Nonetheless, classical music remains an important element of Iran's cultural heritage, and has continued to thrive and evolve in the modern era. So, it is a genre that should be studied and appreciated.