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Jazz music on the radio in Austria

Jazz music has been an integral part of Austria's vibrant music scene for many years. The country boasts some of the most talented jazz musicians in the world and has a thriving jazz festival circuit. The genre has a rich history in Austria, with its roots dating back to the 1920s.

One of the most popular jazz artists in Austria is Wolfgang Muthspiel. He is a renowned guitarist and composer who has won several awards for his work. He has collaborated with many famous musicians from around the world and has recorded over 20 albums in his career.

Another famous jazz artist from Austria is Joe Zawinul. He was a pioneer in the jazz fusion movement and is considered one of the most important jazz musicians of the 20th century. Zawinul was born in Vienna and later moved to the United States, where he played with Miles Davis and formed the band Weather Report.

Other notable jazz artists from Austria include Harri Stojka, Hans Koller, and Roland Batik. Each of these musicians has made significant contributions to the jazz scene in Austria and beyond.

There are several radio stations in Austria that specialize in jazz music. One of the most popular is Radio Ö1 Jazznacht. This station broadcasts jazz music 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and features a mix of classic and contemporary jazz.

Another popular jazz radio station in Austria is Radio Proton. This station broadcasts a mix of jazz, blues, and soul music and features both local and international artists.

In addition to these stations, there are several other radio stations in Austria that occasionally play jazz music, including FM4 and Radio Wien.

Overall, jazz music is alive and well in Austria, with a thriving scene of talented musicians and dedicated fans. Whether you're a lifelong jazz enthusiast or a newcomer to the genre, there's plenty to discover and enjoy in the world of Austrian jazz.