ọkacha mmasị Ụdịdị
  1. Mba
  2. United States
  3. Connecticut steeti
  4. Groton

New York Yankees Baseball, Coast Guard Bears Football, Imus In the Morning, Chris Plante Show, Rush Limbaugh, The Savage Nation, Mark Levin, Ihe ngosi izu ụka.

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    Ogo gị

    Ndi ana-akpo

    Budata ngwa mkpanaka anyị!

    Jiri ọkpụkpọ redio Quasar gee ụlọ ọrụ redio sitere na ụwa niile n'ịntanetị

    Budata ngwa mkpanaka anyị!
    Na-ebugo Redio na-akpọ Akwụsịla redio Ebe ọdụ ugbu a adịghị n'ịntanetị