WEFT 90.1 FM bụ ụzọ redio ọzọ enwere ike ịnweta, nwere ọrụ na nke na-anabata ozi, na-ejere obodo dị iche iche nke ndị na-ege redio na East Central Illinois ozi. Okwu African American, Alternative, Ambient Radio, Bluegrass, Blues, Broadcast News, British Rock, Broadcast Journalist, Celtic, Chant, Music Children, Concert, Country, Democracy now, Disability Issues, Eclectic, Environmental, Experimental, Folk, Free-form , Gospel, Gothic, Hour of Slack, Grateful Dead, Greek, Independent, India, Industrial, Jazz, Jewish, Labor Issues, Latino, Live Music, Local Music, Lounge Music, Metal, Morning Menu, Music, Musicians, National News , New Music, News, Old Time, Poetry, Public Affairs, Punk, R & B, Radio Theater, Reggae, Rock, Talk Radio, Tango, Techno, Urban Rhythms, Womens, World Music, and many more.
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