ọkacha mmasị Ụdịdị
  1. Mba
  2. Germany
  3. Bavaria steeti
  4. Roden

Budata ngwa mkpanaka anyị!

Jiri ọkpụkpọ redio Quasar gee ụlọ ọrụ redio sitere na ụwa niile n'ịntanetị

Blasmusikradio mit Bernd

Ọ bụghị naanị egwu egwu brass dị mfe na-ada ebe a, mana egwu bohemian na Egerland bụ ndị ejiri aka na obi họrọ. Anyị na-achọ ndị niile na-ege ntị ezigbo ntụrụndụ!

Nkwupụta (1)

  1. plentyotime7@gmail.com
    2 months ago
    Hello from New York City!!
    Bernd, I love your radio station! We are the Pilsner Brass Band and we love performing the brass music of Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic.
    Prost!! Spass!!

Ogo gị

Ndi ana-akpo

Budata ngwa mkpanaka anyị!

Jiri ọkpụkpọ redio Quasar gee ụlọ ọrụ redio sitere na ụwa niile n'ịntanetị

Budata ngwa mkpanaka anyị!
Na-ebugo Redio na-akpọ Akwụsịla redio Ebe ọdụ ugbu a adịghị n'ịntanetị